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You guys have truly been amazing... I don't know what to say. Sometimes life surprises the hell out of me. And this has definitely been one of those times...
"You're the meaning in my life... you're the inspiraaaaaaaaation..."

Yay 80's love ballads. What song is that anyway?

Cami's computer kinda poo-poo'd, so she hasn't been able to send me a formal thank you to post here, but let me say, she did far better than she every dreamed. Her original goal was $150 because that's the minimum she needed to participate in the walk, and together, we've raised close to $1200!

I'm so proud to be a part of all this! I got a little teary-eyed when it all came together.

The readers of SOMETHING POSITIVE are the real heroes. They are really the ones that gave. They are so loyal to the creator, Randal Milholland, it's amazing. And I completely appreciate it.

Again, thank you so very, very much.

We are still taking donations up until November 19th, so if you haven't given and would still like to, GO TO THIS LINK RIGHT HERE.

And IIIIIIIIIIIIIieeeeeeeeIIIIIIIIII will AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALlllwaaaaaaaaaaaaayeeessss Love yaaaaaaaaaaaa'llll-aaallll... will aaaaaaaaaalllllllwayeeeeees love yaaaaaaaaaa'lll!!

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