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This is my inner child's dream!!

I went to the JUDY BLUME WEBSITE just to look around the other day. It had been awhile since I had even thought of Judy Blume, but I was chatting with HER C-OTTERISHNESS, and thought of a Judy Blume type book I could write. While I was looking around the website, I decided to sign her guestbook, (especially since the website said that her and her assistant read it everyday.)

So, yeah, sure, her assistant could have responded it to it, but that's practically close enough!!!

My entry to her book was basically how important her books were to me as a kid and how much I admire that she has never stopped writing because I'm sure she's just as important to another little girl now. And how one of her books was a book that I had to read over and over and over. True story: my school librarian had to make a deal with me to not check it out EVERYTIME I was there. Just, every other time. (The book, of course, was "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret.")

And she wrote back:
"Thanks so much for your warm note. I'm touched by how well you remember my
books. Wish there were time for a longer, more thoughtful response, but
I'm overwhelmed right now and trying (desperately!) to find the quiet time
necessary to write. Hope you'll understand. Readers like you have made my
career, and I can never thank you enough.

Come back and visit my website again. Hope to get up some new info soon!

That's right... "Love, Judy." My childhood hero LOVES me. Maybe she'll adopt me. Maybe I could be her favorite! Maybe she could be my mentor and I could write books just as important to little kids!!!

Yep... ok... Estoy siendo un dork...

But it was really cool for me to get a response.

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