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SO. While I'm on the subject of family....

I got to meet BRE's parents and sister the other day. I almost fell over when he asked me. As far as I understood, parent meetings only happened "down the line." And we are not "down the line". Not even close. He then explained that he generally didn't go out of his way to introduce girlfriends to his parents, he also didn't go out of his way to not introduce girlfriends to parents. I decided not to dwell on this statement very long for fear of triggering a migraine. :)

I called in sick to work so that I could go to the barbecue at his parents. And it was well worth it, I think.

As I got ready for this, I worked myself up into a frenzy. I changed clothes three times. I talked to RRE. Thought about what I could possibly do to make an ass of myself. Because I find that I am really good at making an ass out of myself.

But everything went off really well. I think. His mom is absolutely adorable, his dad talked my ear off about the art they have at their house (brilliant stuff, might I add), I really didn't get a chance to talk to his sister as she was involved with her man who, from what I understand, was tricked into the actual barbecuing of various meat sources), but she was very nice as well.

But what I really liked, was the sense of family there. It was unreal. I can't really explain the depth to it. You could feel the overwhelming sense of duty they had to one another. It was amazing to see how tightly integrated they are in each other's lives.

Have I mentioned yet how much I like this guy?

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