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I went to go see Lewis Black tonight at House Of Blues here in Vegas.

FYI, he won't sign something made out to "eBay, little 'e' big 'B'," though he finds it mildly humourous. (He would find it more humourous if he were to watch Futurama...clearly not a fan.)

I went on to ask him that I had also seen him when he had toured with Dave Attel...and thanked him very much for not bringing Dave Attel this time. He said, "I won't tell him," and I said, "Really wouldn't bother me either way."

Well, ya know, cause it wouldn't.

I wonder where he finds all his anger for the stage because afterwards he's full of smiles and winks. Hmm.. perhaps afterwards they mention to him just how many people shelled out $40-60 to see him.

Yeah, that would make me pretty happy too.

HEY!!! Why don't ya'll just go ahead and send me $20 everytime you hit my diary? That would RAULK!



HEY! Speaking of "GOSH!" anyone else finish watching Napolean Dynamite and go, "What the CRAP?"

No? Just me?

I mean... I think it would be good if someone were to have, ya know, edited it.

I even watched it with commentary on, and that really didn't clear anything up for me. I mean... it was... alright?

K, bye, GEEZ!

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