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Well. I'm back. Married and short-haired.

I would get into all the exciting details, but I'm not ready yet. I'm still enjoying the freedom of d*land. There were times that I would actually not update so that I knew people had time to read my other update. But, for now, I'm enjoying the freedom. I'm enjoying the life. I enjoy it when people can type in their journal when they are happy.... I just ain't one of those people.

So, as I sit here being a beaming honeymooner, I will leave you with this humorous anecdote. We'll call it "You Know You're Married When".

You know you're married when.....

You complain that you are hungry, there's nothing to eat in the house, you decide you'll just wait until you get to work to eat. 15 minutes later, your husband comes out naked, freshly lubed up, and you say, "I said I'm HUNGRY, not HORNEY!! HUN-GRY."


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