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This still isn't going to be a substantial update. Not one with pretty pictures anyway.

Basically, the wedding was absolutely beautiful. I don't have the actual wedding photos online because I got them from the photographer while I was in Maui, and I would have to take all that into somewhere to get them put onto disk, and, really, who has the time?

The reception that we had here sucked big donkey ball. (see? it was so bad it only sucked one ball.) It was just really poorly planned, and it was in the middle of the week and people just don't remember mid-week shindigs. When we finally went back to work, there were more than a few people that gave the "ah, CRAP!" look. And, really, that's almost better than a wedding gift.

The wedding gifts themselves were lovely. Many gift cards which is what we originally asked for, a few things on our online list, a few extra things. (Let's just say that the "extra" things might show up in a few white elephant christmas exchanges this year.) (Um, but of course not if the person giving it to us is involved in the white elephant exchange, that would be tacky.)

The hubby's family (ooh, lookit, it's not BRE anymore. He's my huuusband!) they all decided (including hubby #1 [HAH do you think he'd get pissed if I called him that?]) to get ME a gift instead of 'us' a gift. It was more hubby's idea because someone reminded us that we needed to get each other wedding gifts. Well, we really had decided not to do it, but the chick brought it up while we were drunk in Maui in the middle of a shopping village. I got him a Tommy Bahama shirt because he loves those. Him and his family got me a necklace and a bracelet from Tiffany's. And as often happens in this relationship, he SO got shafted. There are times that I leave this house with $1600 worth of jewelry on, and that is SO not right. Not for this chica. It's kinda cinderellery to me. I am very grateful.

Did I mention the beautifulness of Maui? Holy cow! I got to go parasailing while I was there. For some reason, I expected parasailing to be an extreme sport. I don't know why, I just did. It is the exact opposite. It was so quiet and serene from way up there. I pretended that I was supreme goddess ordering the little humans around. (I was up there for 10 minutes and, as it is not an extreme sport, I didn't have anything else to do but sit there and take pictures and pretend that I had a hand in those tiny little people-ants lives.)

We saw dolphins and the last of the whales. (It was the very end of whale season.) Fun Fact: Whales do not eat while they are in Hawaii. They are only there to mate and to give birth. Feeding is done in Alaska.

It was an incredibly good time. We didn't do nearly as much as we would have liked. And we didn't get sunburned. Not because we're sun savvy, but because we're newlyweds. :D

So, now the questions at work have gone from "When's the big day? Are you nervous?" to "How's married life? When are you having kids?" I think I've learned better to be patient with people. I've always been patient anyway, but I have gone to the next level of patience. I think this has and will in the future break lesser people. Well, lesser people who are as anti-social as I am and can't stand when people who I purposely don't talk to ask me personal questions that I don't care to reply to. Yes... that.

Then I have my own little drama in my life. It's the first drama I've had in awhile. And there will probably be no real fruition of this drama. In fact, the other person involved doesn't even know that there is drama. Or, she might, but she too much of a cunt to care to confront it. :)

There's this chick that I work with. She's about my age, but new at the place where I work. She's really super outgoing and seems to have an optimistic disposition. She's someone that everyone's attracted to. When I was giving out invitations to my reception, I felt weird about giving her one because we didn't know each other that well, but I didn't want to not invite her either because we had talked and got along famously. So, I decided to do it to be nice and make friends......(I know that's weird coming from someone who is anti-social, but I don't hate everyone, just everyone that I work with.)

Anywho...... she RSVP'd saying that she would definitely be there, which I thought was really nice of her considering I was a spaz when I gave her the invite. So, the reception came and went and there were more than a few people that didn't show up. She was one of them. When hubby and I returned to work, there were more than a few, "Ah, crap, I'm SO sorry." But not from her. She DID get the slight wide-eyed "Ah, CRAP!" look, but otherwise she just went on as if nothing ever happened, even asked how the wedding was.

And you know, it was no big thing. I could continue hating everyone I work with. I don't walk around like I'm in a rage, I smile at everyone and say hello. Quick 'howryou?' I walk quickly by so that they can't get much more out than a "fine".. (which I just kinda hear as a "fii....")

This chick in particular, I remind you she is very outgoing, so she has this whole little fan club of men that surround her every break. It's adorable. I still smiled said hello and whatever pleasantry when I saw her. I mean, after all, we really don't know each other that well..... but then....

Ya see... she invited a LOT of people to go out one friday night. Friday night is even my night off. But, no invitation. THAT really pissed me off. It really upset me. I know it's stupid, but it did. I went out of my way to invite her to my reception, and she couldn't find the decency to invite me to whatever stupid thing they did that night. We did even have a pleasantry exchange after I had learned that they were doing something, but not an invitation was uttered.

What sucks is that I did actually lose sleep over that. I hate that I need people's acceptance, but I do, and it made me wake up one morning and not be able to get to sleep all day. (I'm a day sleeper, don't just assume I'm lazy and sleep all day.) It just really hurt my pride.

I mean, I'm over it NOW, but I was really upset last week over it.

Last night at work, we had all been taken out and were all walking downstairs, no one from her fan club was around, and I was walking a little in front of her, and she said, "Hey! Wait! How are you?" and I kinda turned, gave her a half smile, nodded, and walked on my way.

I know I'll probably be expending more energy by ignoring her instead of my usual smile, "howryou?" thing, but I have a beautiful smile, and she doesn't deserve it. :D (no, really, I do.)

After that, I walked to my car with one of the older ladies that I don't actually hate. I used to talk to her all the time when I was a smoker. I don't see her as much anymore since kicking the habit, so every few months when I catch up to her, she updates me on all the gossip. As it turns out, this bitch is psycho. Not boil your bunny psycho...well, not yet, anyway. But the reason she got transferred to our place was because she had an affair with a married man at the other property, but after he declared it over, she never gave up on him and just hounded him nonstop. How messed up is that, that you get transferred because you're a known stalker?

It made me feel much better. :)

Ok, looks like I'm kinda back into the d*land swing of things. I feel oddly cleansed.

Type at ya'll soon after my next headful of crap.

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