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So, I'm addicted to another game on It is Pile Up. It owns.

I started this addiction just a few days ago because I am trying to recover from my renewed addiction to MineSweeper.

My wedding day is getting closer. I don't remember if I have mentioned it, and if I have, then, too bad, but people come up and say,

"Oh! It's almost time for the big day! Are you getting nervous?"

At this point, I say, "No, I'm getting annoyed."

They say one of two things. Most often they say, "Yeah, I understand. There is a lot of work."

But sometimes, someone says, "Why are you getting annoyed?"

And I say, "Because people keep asking me if I'm getting nervous. What the hell kind of question is that?"

And those people don't talk to me much anymore. And that makes me happy because what the HELL kind of question is that? Why the fuck would you ask an almost newlywed that question? I mean, if I wasn't, wouldn't there be a good chance that I would start thinking of why I would be nervous and then BECOME nervous? Fuckers. I hate them.

And speaking of "why would you say that to someone?" I had this guy on my table the other day that really fucking pissed me off.

He saw my ring, my KICKASS ring...... for those of you who don't remember, let me remind you......

This ring....

Heh... I love doing that.....

anyway.... He says, "Oh, how many carats is that?"

and I say, "1.09."

and he says, "No, it's not."

So, I give him pause. Look at him. He looks back at me. And I say, "Yes..... it is."

And he says, "No, it's too small to be 1.09."

And I look at him. And I decide that he's a complete idiot. And I say, "No.... it's not."

And he continues, "yes, it is. I know, I've been looking at diamonds for 34 years."

So, by now I've decided that he's a piece of shit because why the hell would you continue this conversation with the person wearing the ring. I don't care if you are Mr. DeBeers, when a woman........ A WOMAN.... says that HER ring is 1.09 carats, you just agree. I mean, don't you? Holy Christ, how stupid can a guy get? I mean, maybe my fiance wants me to believe that my ring is bigger than it actually is, this fucker doesn't know us.

And I've said some really bad things to some customers, and none of them compare to what I said to this man. I could have been fired for what I said, and I knew it. But I decided that there was NO way I would get fired for it. The guy went on to seriously offend me.

So, after he said that he has been looking at diamonds for 34 years, I went on to say, "Then you really should have paid attention."

And he said... and this is where I decided to stop talking to him altogether. he said, "Whoever gave that to you lied to you."

So I said, "WHAT???? Are you calling my fiance a liar? Are you stupid? Do you even hear what you're saying?"

So he quickly came back with the, "Maybe your fiance doesn't know, but whoever sold it to you is a liar."

So, I stopped talking to him, but the fucker wouldn't let it go.

He said, "I've been in the business all my life and I hate to see people get ripped off, but go to any jeweler, they will tell you that that is not 1.09."

And, I did, I covered my ears and started going, "LA LA LA LA LA I can't hear you because you are stupid, a big stupid guy LA LA LA."

And would you believe that he stayed? He kept playing after that. And, oddly enough, he didn't win. See, I'm used to people that piss me off winning, but he didn't. Not a hand. He didn't win a hand after that.

He still tried to talk to me. And if I didn't "LA LA LA" him, I said, "I'm really not interested in talking to you at all."

When he finally left, he said, "I really didn't mean to offend you."

So I said, "Then you did a really poor job."

What the fuck is WRONG with people? I mean, granted, people are pissing me off a lot more because I simply have other things to think about lately.... but GODDAMN!!!!!

And, if you have an inkling of doubt about my ring in your mind, let me squash it. The diamond was not appraised by the same person that sold it to us. AND, when we went to get the setting changed from white gold to platinum, they took the diamond out, and I sat there and watched them weigh it. That makes three different sources. And I'm going to rule out conspiracy theories for now.

I think the next time I see that guy, I'm going to punch him in the face. A nice 1.09 carat bruise. Fucker.

In other news, I'm in an angry mood today. I think it's the PMS talking.


I also hate April Fool's Day. No one April Fooled me......but I just hate the day for existing. Yes, that sounds like PMS. :)

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