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I know sports. I've always known sports.

Kind of.

My real dad (God rest his soul) raised me for 5 long years on baseball. That is to say, when I was 5, I knew what a strike was.

When I was 12, I got a stepdad. He is into ALL kinds of sports. Sports would have to be on ALL the time. While we ate dinner, sports would be on. Granted, I'm not part of a family that would do that stuff with their mouths. I believe it was called "talking". We'd ALWAYS watched TV during dinner, so if it wasn't sports, it was Simpsons.

Anyway, The Fiance. He's big into sports. Well, he's big into football. Let me reprase. He's BIG into football. So, football season comes around, and I lose him. We have dinner at a sports bar, and it is very similar to me having dinner by myself. And the football game doesn't have to actively be on. If ESPN is on any of the channels, which it will be, and it's running highlights of a game, and it will be, I have lost him for the duration of the meal.

It's not really something I can get pissed about either. I knew this about him going in, and, hell, I'm a "Play of the Day" girl. I have watching sports in my blood. You sit through enough dinners with sports on, and you get excited when someone makes that "game winning catch".....or something noteworthy like that.

Well, football season is here, as you may have deduced not only by commercials but if you do nothing but read my site (and God love ya if you do) you know that I sat in on a Fantasy Football draft. When Football season is around, the football contest are a'brimmin' to the rim everywhere.

This is not something that I particularly care about, but it is something that The Fiance cares about, so even though I don't care, I do care.

Our work does a employees' football contest. It's free. A perfect weekly card wins $1000. That sounds cool. Dumb luck can win me some cash. Well, hell, gotta buy into that.

Hard Rock owns a casino and hotel out here that has a sports book that does a Football contest. $25 to enter. I was sent down there. I was SO very bitter at first. Why in the WORLD would I want to drive across town to enter a contest that I don't want to be in?

But I love him. So I did it. And you know...... I'm pretty damned excited about it. I have PICKS. I've PICKED things. I have thing to ROOT for! It's kinda neat.

I said in my last football entry how interesting it was to be in a group that has such passion about something. And, yeah, it may not mean much to ANY of you, but it's given me something else to think about besides my wedding.

The wedding is just giving me a lot of stress...... so you know what, I'M READY FOR SOME FOOOOOTBALL!!!

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