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I actually went to see Mamma Mia the other night. I'm not sure that I mentioned it because it was eclipsed by the HORRIBLE PIECE OF CRAP that I like to refer to as "The Hork".

But, yes, earlier in the night I went to see Mamma Mia with my favorite lesbian who was in town for a booty call. :D (sigh) That would be a lot funnier to you if you knew her. BUT, she came bearing a watersnake thingy. You remember those? The little plastic squishy thing that's kinda hard to keep a hold of.........especially if you keep squeezing it to make the sparklies all swirly and it ends up exploding all over you and the bed.......hahaha....(sigh) ok, I guess you had to be there. So, I, in return, also gave her a plastic squishy with glitter inside that I had found to commemorate our squishy exploding episode.

If you're not an in-the-knowster, Mamma Mia is a musical based on the music of ABBA. I understand that some people would rather scratch their eyes out with bamboo spikes than see a musical based on the music of ABBA. I am not one of these people, though I will be marrying one of those people. He did not come with us as I enjoy him with his eyes. Not that I would love him any less if he didn't have any, but who has the time to go to an emergency room for bamboo induced corneal removal?

Anyway... I really liked the show. It wasn't WOW WILD FANTIASTIC!! But it was a show that I want to see many times (probably when I'm traveling) with the many different casts. Usually, WOW WILD FANTASTIC shows are only actually good once. Like, say, Blue Man Group. I'm not sure I would ever see Blue Man Group again. Three times was plenty.

Second Anyway..... I decided that I would really like the soundtrack to Mamma Mia, but I would want the songs to be sung by ABBA. I'm like that. I don't like going to concerts because they NEVER sing it the way it is on the radio. Fortunately, that album is called "ABBA Gold."

Ya know, I never considered myself an ABBA fan so much. I mean, I like their songs.....what I remember of them....from when my Mamma Mia played them on our kick ass tape deck/turntable sound system. And I liked them enough to want to see the musical that was based on their music.

And I really had a good time. The show was alright as far as musicals go. (And, YES! I am one of those chicks that LOVES musicals.) There was this one part where the guys are down to their skivvies, and the main guy was pretty stacked, and I turned to my theatre mate, elbowed her and started to go, "EH!! HEH HEH!!" (sigh) then remembered she's gay the other way not like "We're Not Together"Ex-Roommate. was funny then.... guess you had to be there.

Third Anyway.....I borrowed ABBA Gold from "We're Not Together" Ex-Roomie and have been listening to it in my car, and WOW. I am the Dancing Queen. I roll down the street singing poorly and dancing in my seat. I feel so gay and free. (Speaking of gay and free, Canada is legalizing same sex marriages. You don't have to live there to get married, and it doesn't have to be legal in the country that you are from. But don't do it in Alberta because their premier is going to fight it.) I haven't been so happy listening to music for such a long time.

I've even been gay enough to look up the Abba website. Actually, I wanted to find the lyrics to Super Trouper because the song makes ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING me. And ABBA has asked that their lyrics not be posted on lyric engines which is PRETTY FUCKING SNOTTY, I think. Though... the song is fun to sing even though it annoys me. Su-PA-PA Trou-PA-PA!! YEAH!

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