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Why can't you bastards update during the weekend. Dammit. It just reminds me that I will never see a real weekend again. Daylight, what?

But I *can* give you juicy tidbits like, Christina Aguilera used the a public restroom and didn't wash her hands afterward. (Hand to God) We had a witness.) (Her and that Justin fellow had themselves a little concert at my place of business.)

Christina also signed some autographs in one of our littler theatres after the show. (YES! After she didn't wash her hands.) Anyway, there were people waiting outside this theatre, so I asked, "What are you guys waiting out here for?" And this couple, a little older than me, said, "Christina's in there signing autographs."

What I said: "Oh, neat."

What I should have said: "Do you have nothing better to do on a Saturday night..........AT YOUR AGE.........than wait out here like a 13 year old?"


Not to mention, I saw my future, and it is grim, my friends. I saw this little lady toting 10 kids.......TEN KIDS behind her, all about 12 with entirely too much make-up on sporting the latest in Xtina-wear. (Oh, yeah, she is "X-tina"). Why do I think this is my future? Because, as a future parent, I go in with the knowledge that my children will hate me, and there is no better way to hate me than to get tickets with 9 of its friends to a concert that I hold in low regard.

And why would it be me and not BRE? Becaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaause I am the one that pre-ordered Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix to be delivered to my house. THAT'S why.

Did I mention you guys suck for not updating on weekends forcing me to admit my dirty secrets?

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