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The Boyfriend, Rally Edition and I go out to the comedy club every few weeks. We really enjoy to go. Sometimes the comedians are good, sometimes not, but there's generally a gem at least once a show.

When we went a few weeks ago, one of the comedians, he was probably in his 40's, talked about 20 somethings. He said, "You guys are idiots. You look good, but you are complete idiots. So sit there, be cute, and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"

I am a twenty something, but he certainly did have a point. There have been many times when I've looked back at how I reacted to certain things, I hold my head in shame. I see other twenty something being complete fucking idiots, and I want to scream "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"

It's just a nice little hakuna matata circle of life type of thing.

I have a whole new view of Valentine's Day now. I know you're thinking "Of course, you do. You're all in love and crap. You guys probably spent an exorbant amount on your stupid crappy love."

We actually didn't. We agreed not to get each other anything, so as goes with the promise not to get each other anything, I bought him a big balloon and a card, and had plans of setting up these little orange cones we have, to merge the right side of the staircase with the left side, set up my flashing construction light, and leave it there for when he gets home, so that he can be surprised and annoyed that I broke our promise. So, as I'm about to set these up, I hear that he had left his clock radio on when he left, so I went to turn it off and ponder why it was on. I turn on the light in our room, and there's a big rose with a card waiting for me on our bed. He's as sneaky as I. God, I love him...

But here's the new view of Valentine's Day that I have.... I realized that today isn't for me or for anyone that has enough time to criticize corporate America for making a holiday to bank on. I mean, I get to spend enough time with The Boyfriend, that I didn't need today to know that he thinks of me. And, yeah, a lot of companies make a lot of money during the Valentine's season. But for any of us who have enough time to ponder Valentine's, it just isn't FOR us.

It's for the people who don't HAVE the time everyday. It's for the people who need to be reminded that they need to slow down for a second and tell their loved ones that they love them. So, quit your bitchin and be good consumers.

This is, after all, America, my friends.

And, lastly, the words to "Land Down Under" are actually "and he gave me a Vegimite sandwich." not "he gave me a bit of my sanwich" as I've previously thought for the past 20 year. (nod)

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