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I said OOa OOa!!

I said OOa OOa!!

All the ladies over there go OOa OOa!

All the ladies over here go OOa OOa!!


And why am I kickin' up them nasty beats, yo? Because 5 minutes ago, I saw a commercial that made me feel equal, really equal to men.

See, I've been pretty pissed off lately because women who are older than GOD have decided to have children, and with hormone therapy, frozen eggs, embryos, whatever, they can. And I'm thinking, "What.........the FUCK?!?!?! Men can go around at any age and pop a woody by popping a blue pill, but women are just 'blessed' with the ability to have children until we're wearing diapers again ourselves...greeeeeeeeeeeat.."

BUT YES YES YES YES YES!! AVLIMIL, my friends... AVLIMIL... granted, it's something we have to take everyday, but that's no worse than the birth control pills or hormone replacement or, hell, even anti-psychotic drugs that we have to take all the time anyway.

EIGHTY FOUR percent of women felt improvement in one, some or all of the following: desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction. You can't get 84% of women to agree on ANYTHING!! This must be the best drug EVER!!!


NO adverse affects in clinical trials. AND, it's available without a prescription. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Oh, sure, in 3 years, they're probably going to find that it increases a woman's chances of growing hair on her back by a bunch...... but I think it's all worth it for right now.

Imagine what this means for the men... (who are into women)..There are going to be a BUNCH of horny women runnin' around!!, my sisters!!

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