
Anne - 2007-08-05 17:51:28 will do all the things you have to do!! Cuz you are good like that. Happy new home!
awittykitty - 2007-08-06 12:38:08
Oh, your comments were off. I was all frustrated thinking I was just dumb or something. Anyhoo, good karma on your new upcoming life. Hope your transition is as easy as you hope. Go Fuzzy!
m3 - 2007-08-06 15:00:32
m3 - 2007-08-06 17:17:41
30....goddammit. i can't wait to come play at your new house :)
m3 - 2007-08-06 17:29:22
see, i left the second note because the first one didn't show up before...and now you have a 3rd explaining the other two. first myspace, now d*land..everything's going to pot.
Meany - 2007-08-13 09:02:09
Hey, congrats on your new digs! I have no concrete plans yet for when I'm on leave, but if it seems financially and physically feasible for me to come to Vegas and party like a rockstar with you, I will be on it like a cockroach on a shower floor. Keep your head high; I know exactly what you're going through and YOU CAN DO EET.

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