
awittykitty - 2006-12-08 20:11:07
See, now there's a reality show nobody has thought of...two lesbians pregnant at the same time. Hoo-boy, that would be so funny (!!), especially since I know how cranky hormonal women can be. And just women can be. And just lesbians can be. We've got to get this show to the networks!! Quick!!
Meany - 2006-12-10 11:15:12
I started watching "My Boys" soley for the Jim Gaffigan factor. Now, as always happens with me, I am bound to it. This is why I don't watch a lot of TV. And I think Witty's show idea is pure genius. Sounds like a "Friends" sub-plot, almost.
Andy Land - 2006-12-11 18:25:52
Sorry for the complete nonsequitor, but to answer your question left at my blog, we get the McRob sporadically as well, but I've heard about some parts of Chicago getting it year-round. I can't imagine WHY anyone would want it, especially when we have real barbecued ribs everywhere in Chicago, but it is available often. :)
m3 - 2006-12-13 14:00:01
we were talking last night and neither one of us really wants to BE pregnant. we just want the babies. sooooo....can we borrow your uterus?

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