
Astralounge - 2006-08-30 22:23:14
I'm sorry I haven't responded to your messages lately. I've been reading and appreciating them, but I've been really busy at work and barely writing anyone online lately! I'm hoping I get caught up soon! Anyhow, in response to your Project Runway question, my dream combo for the final 3 would be Michael, Uli, and Laura. I love Kayne too but those 3 are my favorite. I am so sad that Robert is gone, but I do think he wasn't really doing too well. :( I think Vincent deserved to go more, though, on the recycling challenge. And I didn't think he deserved to win last week, but I'm biased against him!
Astralounge - 2006-08-30 22:28:33
Oh, also, I HATE Jeffrey. I can't believe he made someone's MOM CRY! What an ass. Let's see, what else... Oh, Alison's outing was a travesty. Loved her. Laura freaking kills me, especially when she said the thing about "throw it on the pile with the others" to reference her 6th child. I lost it. :) What did you think of the Keith thing??
Astralounge - 2006-08-30 22:32:06
Last thing (I promise)... Michael looked SO HOT when he was modeling tonight. I had not really noticed before that how attractive he is. He's from the ATL, I should look him up! ;)
Astralounge - 2006-09-07 17:24:26
I hate Jeff, too, although I admit that he's done a good job these last few times. I still like Laura better, though. Love her personality and I find her designs to be very classic. I do think last night wasn't her best showing, but I saw where she was going with it. I think she didn't make it quite dramatic enough, so it came off as very 80s YSL or something. Put it on a starlet, call it vintage, and I bet Nina and Michael would have been drooling over it. I am SO GLAD that Vincent left last night, though. I was certain that Kayne had done himself in by not listening to Tim (AGAIN!).
Astralounge - 2006-09-07 17:30:05
P.S. Is it just me, or are the editing fairies making it quite obvious who will win (and to some extent, lose) challenges these days? I am usually able to guess the winner and loser based on the editing, which didn't used to be the case in previous seasons. And the challenges this season (with a few exceptions) have really been annoying. The whole idea is to see people produce beautiful fashion, and the garbage challenge and the "everyday woman" challenge and a few others have really not made it easy for the designers to produce something lovely. They've also been pretty merciless in terms of the time constraints. The couture gowns could have been MUCH better if they'd had another day to work on them. I feel like the producers are hurting their show by making it too contrived and too focused on the drama. I think they need to losen up a little on some of that so we can see better stuff come down the runway!

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