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Designed by Kris 'Destral' Wilke at Ya know how I watch really crap teevee?? Well, my Tivo was supposed to record "Yo Momma", which, by the way, have you caught that? It's really stupid, and kids from different barrios spit out some fierce Yo Momma jokes with Wilmer Valderrama as the host. I can't make that up.

Anyway, instead, MTV had "Parental Control" on, and didn't bother to tell my Tivo. Sooooooo..... me and The Hubby had to check it out to see how bad it is. Parental Control is a show where parents, who hate their daughter's boyfriend, interview a bunch of guys to pick out two for their daughter to go on a date with. While the daughter is on the date, her current boyfriend sits on a couch with her parents and watch the date unfold. It's a really, really horrible show.

The boyfriend was so incredibly disrespectful to the parents... for instance, the father said, "You won't be warming my couch much longer," and the boy replied, "That's not all I do on this couch." There were a lot of comments like this, I mean, a LOT. I guess that's why I watched the whole thing.

The two guys the parents picked were good looking, and fairly respectful. I bet you can guess who the girl picked...

...and it made me hate the world all over again.

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