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I was thinking about my lesbo friend with the picture of her cleavage and how much attention she is getting from it even though her head isn't even in the picture...

...and I was thinkin', "Man...I'm glad I don't go for that kind of attention anymore."

Not that she "goes for" that kind of attention. I think for her it's just funny, and, hell, it is attention.

I also like (especially Live Journal) users who put up insane amounts of totally sexual pictures, then get all pissed off when idiots send them disgusting messages.

And, I used to do it too. I would put up a picture and get mass amounts of retarded emails.... but, you see... I put up the picture because I was SURE that Prince Charming would see me and fall in love with me and we would fall madly in love.... But all the princes looked more like frogs and not a wit of wit between them.

Yep... Sure glad those days are behind me....

Otherwise I would put up pictures like




But I am SO over those days... so I put up pictures like



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