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YESH! (smiling) (terrified face) (going over edge of cliff)

Ya know... I also saw something that was rather interesting today. And I don't mean interesting like something people would generally care about, but something that interested me.

There was an asian woman, easily in her 40's, possibly 50's, at the Rite Aid, and she was talking to her mom. Now, she spoke perfect English. No accent or anything. Yeah, that's not so impressive, I know. People have been migrating here from China for decades now. But the interesting part is that when her mother answered her (easily in her 60's possibly 70's) she ALSO spoke perfect English.

Again, this may not interest you, but I've grown up around asian people all my life. Now, my generation, even the one before, it's fairly common for us/them to speak perfect English with no accent, but it is, so far, RARE for two generations before me to not have accents as well. Go ahead, ask any Asian person. If they were born here (especially if they don't speak their parent's native language) they'll tell you that they have a hard time understanding their grandparent(s).

So, I guess here it is. The time where it is no longer uncommon for older asian people to have no accent. Where America is starting to win the language wars.

(sigh) Yep. I can think of only one person that this might remotely interest.

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