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My bartender said something interesting to me the other day. He said that he accepts everything I say as truth. He sees how I interact with other patrons at the bar. I don't talk a lot, I listen to everything people have to say, so that it would seem that when I do open my mouth, just the truth comes out. This seems like a pretty scary concept.

Ah, but if that were only true. Well, I guess it is kinda since whatever I say is true to me.

I think, more accurately, that I just tell people what they want to hear. Sure, I give advice based on my own experiences, but I only give advice when somebody wants it.

It's important to note that people, all people, are just looking for a "moment." A moment to be right. A moment for challenge. A moment of passion. A moment of higher understanding. It's just a matter of correctly pin-pointing what kind of moment the person is looking for. I just happen to be pretty good at this.

And, probably the fact that when I see him, the people around me are at a BAR and drunk and all you really need to do to satiate them is smile and nod.

Yep. That sure does make it a lot easier.

But I'll still take the compliment for what it's worth, and take this moment as my moment of graciousness.

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