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I have a new obsession.

No, besides the boyfriend, Rally Edition...

The song "Don't Know Why" by Norah Jones.

I had heard it on the radio and on a CD that the boy burned. I really liked it.

THEN!! Today in the mail, one of the neatest human beings on the planet had sent me a burned copy of the CD and the question of the day:

Norah Jones: Comtemporary Jazz Artist With Potential


Just Kinda Makes You Sleepy?

I sent her my response which probably looks remarkably similar to what I'm about to write here.

For me, it reminds me greatly of the music my mom listened to when I was a wee tyke. When life was simple for me. In that sense it's psychologically comforting for me.

Greater scheme, it reminds me of when music was music. Not entertainment. By that, I mean, not entertainment where the person puts on a show with explosions and dancing and all that mess. Just music. Music that has something to say. Where the words aren't clever or witty, in fact, very plain words, but words that hold remarkable truth.

This music, this song especially, simply moves me.

If my soul had theme music, this would be it.

But that's just me.

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