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I am forced to add another entry. Not that I haven't wanted to. I just don't feel incredibly witty lately. But I am forced because I called someone a tool and he linked my page from the word.

I'm feeling pressure.


And.... there are those that will laugh at my torment, though, *I* don't find it particularly funny.

I started hearing the faint tickings of a biological clock this past week. I mean, if you know me, you know that children are something that happens to other people. It's not that I don't get along with children, it's just that I tend to never be in the same room as them.

Hell, I AM a child. I wear a Lego Watch for chris'sakes, but four or five days ago I had this dream that involved children and me (gulp) LIKING children. Very weird. Very odd. I woke up and just kinda thought "Ah. So that's what it sounds like."

But this little lapse was quickly cured by catching "Species 2" on the tele later that day. Excellent film. If we don't already own it, I'm going to buy it and watch it over and over, especially the part after the menage where the chick is in the bathroom and her stomache explodes into freak baby.

Quite sobering.

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