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I've finally made it!!! I'm in the big time!!!

..... and I QUOTE!!!

"Dear Chris,

This is "CuppaJoe" from diaryland.

I've started a site called "12% Beer", which is at, but can also be
viewed at either or .

It started off as basically a site to bring attention
to my favourite diaries (I'm Canadian, which explains
my spelling of 'favourite'), and is slowly progressing
into something which publicizes diaries which have
great writing and that I think would fit well with the
other people on 12% Beer.

The 12% site started off with 8 people in October 2001
A couple have left or stopped writing, and
I've added others at various times when I find someone
that just bowls me over with funny and good writing.

Anyhow, a few months ago, I started reading you and
added you to my dland buddylist, because I really
enjoyed your writing. I've been reading you ever
since, looking at your archives a bit, and enjoying
every bit of it.

So, I'm asking you to be a part of 12% Beer."

SEE??? SEE where Bad-Mouthing People can get you???

I'm, quite possibly, 12% Beer's last 2004 inductee... and if not, then, screw it... I'm saying I am.

I can make banners!!! (anyone wanna help me make a banner? I will give you.... one...butterscotch candy...)

"2004's Last 12% Beer Inductee"

I love it.

Truly, though, the real reason that he's let me in is because I keep promoting BLUESPHERE!!!

So, don't let him know that I ordered something from Amazon and TOTALLY forgot to link through BLUESPHERE!!! I felt like such an idiot when I realized it.

Anyway, YAY! When Haters get attitude and call 12%ers "Queermates" they'll be talking about ME! Yay Me! Yay Bluesphere! Yay 12% Beer! Do I get a T-shirt? I dunno, but Yay!

0 Funnies Left So Far

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