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I have so many things to say, and I just don't want to say them.

The past few months have been a little crazy. I'd go so far as to call them kuh-razy.... or maybe I wouldn't.

While I'm going through it, I feel like I'm not really doing anything-mostly because I'm not- I hire people to do things for me. But looking back, I realize that even when you hire people, there's still a lot of stress involved. I mean, just because I hire people doesn't mean that it's going to get done well. Hell, it's not their stuff, so what do they care? See? It's proof. Money doesn't buy happiness.

Please hold all tomato-throwing until the end, thank you.

But seriously. I've moved, I have that wedding thing looming over me, and things are hardly done for that.

Sure, things are done, but it hasn't "come together" yet. The actual planning is pretty much done. We pretty much know what is going to happen, but we haven't actually gotten the things to make those things happen.

You know what else is bothering me? I'm not even sure people are going to show up for this reception thing. We invited probably over 100 people, but we've only gotten about 20 RSVP's.

But on the other hand, how many people do I really want coming to my house? I mean, ew. Icky. :)

Even the Maui wedding thing isn't all together. We're ordering our gifts for the folks today. (Secretly, I like the gifts to the women better than I like the gifts to the men.... but men are crappedly hard to shop for.) (Yes, "crappedly".) (Piss off.)

We don't have reservations to the night before the wedding dinner. I mean, how do you make reservations in a city that not only you but NO ONE in your party has ever been to except one? And she doesn't really have a good idea of what we want. Of course, WE don't have a good idea of what we want, which is why we had hoped she would have had an idea. (Oh, and it's not like we're expecting someone who's been to Hawaii once to come up with somewhere for us to eat, she used to LIVE in's just that she's only been to MAUI once.) (Yeah, whatever.) (Again, piss off.)

The gift bags for the reception are pretty cute too though, except that I haven't actually found BAGS to put the little items into. There's a little beach candle involved. Very cute.

I sure am glad that I'm not planning my bachelorette party too. OH CRAP!! THE SASHES!!! dammit, I haven't ordered the sashes yet. crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap.....

Well, it was nice updating with you. I have more ordering to do. Cheers.

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