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I only got 26 to go! er... 27....since DC is a district and not a state... I think. 28 if you want to count Guam. :D


To the guy who got pissed off at me and made a big deal...


Mmmhmm, that's right, I said it.



See..... what had happened was......

This guy and his friend came over. And they were playing blackjack. And they were playing single deck blackjack which means that they could hold the cards. But, in handling cards in a casino, there are obviously rules that you must adhere to. He was not adhering to them. So I said, "One hand on the cards." And he looked at me and said, "Are you serious?" And he said this in a fairly non-threatening way. And I said, "Yes." And he said, "You guys are that technical now?" And I said, "Now? We've been that way since we put single deck back in." And his friend said, "Yeah, remember how much trouble I got in last night?" So the guy looked at my floor supervisor and he was joking around and said to supervisor, "What? You guys aren't making enough money, you have to be so technical?" (and some other blah blahs that I don't remember.) And my supervisor said, "Yep, do you have a problem with that?" And then said, "Nope, I don't want to cause any problems here." (which, turned out to be a COMPLETE LIE!!!!) Anyway, I thought at this point that we were playing now. You know, playing haha. Making fun of MGM because they are so "technical." So, I thought I could make fun of him. Because..... usually, I can.

So, I said, "What? You don't believe me, you have to call my supervisor over? You think I'm lying to you?"

And the guy looked at me and said, "You don't have to talk to me that way." And I said, "There are two other tables right there."

And....this motherfucker.... got all offended, "Cash me out. I don't like her attitude." So, I said, "Ohhh..come on. I'm just kidding." (And I really thought he was kidding too.) And he said, "No, you're not. You don't need to tell me where other tables are. I can find other games for myself." Then he looked at his friend and said, "Let's go to [another casino]."

I was able to hold my tongue for the next comment that was burning to come out of my mouth, which was, "Yeah, go to [the other casino] because we own that one too."

It didn't come out, which is good, because I WOULD have gotten in trouble for that one. I thought for SURE that I was going to get into trouble for telling him to go to another table, but fortunately for me, not only was the floor supervisor, but ALSO the pit manager were standing by me when I said it, so they knew that I thought I was being funny. And also, I had talked to the both of them like this before, so they knew to expect it of me. (Three cheers for a lifetime of smart- assedness!)

I did eventually start to cry. I'm really sensitive to things like that. And also, he didn't leave right away. I mean, he didn't play anymore, but his friend did. See, they were doing well, so his friend didn't want to leave yet, plus his friend knew that I was joking and that he was being an asshole. So, jackoff dude continued to stand there for awhile, and it got to me, so my natural reaction is to cry. I apologized to him a few times and he continued with, "No you're not, so drop it." It didn't make me feel worse, but it made me really mad, and I couldn't express I cried more.

There were other people at the table and they all stuck up for me with my bosses, which was super nice of them.

I was just very fortunate that my supervisors at that very moment were supervisors that liked me. If they weren't, I could have EASILY gotten into a TON of trouble. Seriously, people have gotten fired for less. Dealers are a dime a dozen, and I'm just fortunate that people like me.

There was a funny to it, though. See, when the guy was cashing out, I turned to my pit boss and said, "I'm sorry." But the JACKOFF said, "You should be." And in my head I was thinking, "Oh yeah, I should actually apologize to HIM, huh?" So, then I said, "Err... yeah.. well.. I *am* sorry. Mmhmm."

Anyway, I know that good things will come of it... For instance, the guy's friends, they were also business associates, and who wants a guy like *that* in business with them? Seriously. And just to know that he hates women THAT much. WOW! He must have seriously been burned by some bitch. So, he has to live with that too. And, for some odd reason, that makes me feel plenty good.



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