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Hello you freaky folks with your boy bringin' milkshakes! (Yeah, what does that mean?)

Happy New Year!!!

Ain't no party like an asian party, cause an asian party got rice!!!!

Year of the monkey. What does that mean? No idea. I'm not a monkey. I don't know any monkeys. I remember Koko that used to take the pictures with the kittens that we used to buy from that commercialist society that would sell books and sticker collections to unsuspecting 10 year olds when we were in school......but that was more a gorilla.


My favorite person was in town. There was much drinking. I swear that girl can't handle a drink...... which is FANTASTIC!!!!! There's nothing better than going to 3 different casinos and ruining 2 different tables. There's POWER involved. No one even bothered to cut her off except herself.

We didn't really win, but we drank..... and it was good. There was still so much that we didn' do, but there's always next time...... maybe.... course, and, yes, I'll say it again, it took 6 damn years to get her to visit me and only me in the first place. :D

We also went to the Comedy Central tour with Lewis Black and Dave Attel and Mitch Hedenberg. There was some other guy that was the host, his name was "Shawn" or some crap. I have no idea who he is, which is odd, cause I knows me some comedians, and even I had never seen or heard of him before. Mitch got off to a slow start, but he came around and gave us a show. Lewis Black was as funny as he expected that we expected him to be. He didn't go above and beyond, but he didn't disappoint. Dave Attel is a donkey's ass. How bad do you have to be to be an ass's ass? Dave Attel Bad!!! He sucked more than anything has ever sucked before.

Here, I'll give you a sample of his stuff:

My cock my cock my cock my cock. You're a whore. My dick, my cock.

So, if he ever comes to town, save your money, you've already read the show.

Mitch, however, spend lots of money to go see him. A stoner's got to get money for his stash somehow. And when a stoner is funny, it's aaaaall worth it cause you know there's stoner-funny, and then there's stoners that are funny. Stoner funny just costs as much as a dime bag, stoners that are funny are worth at least, well, fifty bucks plus the $30 that I charged to my credit card to buy his CD and DVD. :D

OH!! Did I mention I am moving?

Yeah..... You heard it here first. (and if you're a particularly good friend of mine and this is the first you're hearing of it [which is all of you] we decided two nights ago that we're moving.) We're moving into one of the houses that BRE was already buying with his little company thingy. (cause that's what they do is buy and sell houses). And we figured we need a bigger house if we're going to eventually get married and have little babies and all that, and now is the best time to do it, because if we do it later, then it's going to cost a WHOLE lot more than it costs now. I mean, the house that we're moving into has already appreciated about $100,000. Sooooo.... yeah..... it's going to be fabolous. (sic)

We may even have our local wedding reception thing there. So.... take note.... gift cards from Home Depot and Linens's and Things are GREATLY appreciated.

Carry on!

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