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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I totally got an Eric Idle autograph. Not only did I get an Eric Idle autograph..... I had bought many a thing....and he had a show..... and after the show... I said, "Here......sign this.....and this..... and..... since I couldn't get my fiance to join me, here, sign my chest....... WHICH HE DID!!!

During the show, Kevin Nealon, from Saturday Night Live fame, made a few contributions to the "Encore Can". Idle said that he would "talk about doing an encore" if there was enough money in the "Encore Can" which was conveniently placed in front of the stage. I put a few bucks in there.

But, most importantly, after the show, Eric Idle did autographs on things that one might have bought from the show. I, myself, did indulge in a program......and a T-shirt.....and a CD......alright, yeah, and a calendar for good measure as well....OK FINE!! AND A BOOK!!!!.... but in all fairness, I only made him sign the book and the program.....and my chest.... which he did willingly.....

Kevin Nealon was nowhere to be found..... so I hung about for awhile.... After all was said and done, sure I noticed that Eric Idle was headed somewhere...... suuuuuuure, yeah......I followed him cause I knew wherever he went, Kevin Nealon would certainly be....... ok, fine, it was to the Mandalay Bay coffee shop food place..... Yeah, sure, I made the hostesses sit me so that I could see him..... (I was ready to tip them, but they had no idea who he was in the first place except that he was "the guy who was just seated who had the shiny green gift bag".) So, they sat me by him..... and I sat next to a group of people who were almost cool. One of the guys said (who noticed how much Eric Idle stuff I had) "Yeah, he's sitting over there." and I said, "Yes, I know" and he said, "He came over and said hi to all of us" and I said, "Really?" and he said "No, not really." So, I sat there, and no one took my order which was fortunate becaues I didn't want to order anything.

But I got up my guts and said to the group next to me, "Ok, I'm going in." and one of them said, "Great!! Tell them we say hi!" and I said, "No problem".

So, (and, yes, it was so, Eric Idle was having dinner with Kevin Nealon and posse.) I went up to Kevin Nealon and said, "Well, Mr. Idle signed this side of my chest, would it be possible to have you sign "And Kevin Nealon was here, too" on this side of my chest?" and he said something to the effect of, "Well, I would, but I signed someone's chest and I was sued for ink poisoning........but I will sign paper." So I sat there for awhile and made a :O type of face. and was very confused, even Mr. Idle said, "Well, *I* signed her chest". But Nealon's wife or someone said, "Well, let me find something paper" I continued to make my :O face...... I finally said "Well, I have something paper... (though, while she took her sweet time looking, the placemats were all paper... just FYI)... So..... I got Kevin Nealon's autograph on paper.... but still...... young, hot chick..... trying to get your autograph on her chest.... I mean..... HELLO!?!!?!?!

But.... yes. I got Idle's autograph on the book and the program.... and Kevin Nealon's on a piece of paper..... Tonight was a good night..... I don't know what came over me....cause I would have NEVER otherwise stalk a star to find another star...... that's just weird...... but there I was..... and I did it. YAAAAAAAAAAAY!

It's one for the scrapbook.....

The rest of the night can go to hell..... I blame alcohol...... ok, it doesn't have to go to hell. I had a good time. Did some dancing and stuff. Then I drove, which was very bad. I'm not drinking again...for awhile. :) But definitely not driving when I do. I could have killed someone.

Yes..... this was quite the week..... again..... I shall go pass out..... :b

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