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I don't know if I've written anything about very healthy women getting their very healthy asses back out on the dance floor, but I've been meaning to.

(If I have, please forgive, but I'm a little drunk, and this is a serious issue.)

I work somewhere that has a dance club. Since they have to walk through the casino from the parking garage to get to the dance floor (because marketing is clever like that) I get to see most of the people that go to the club.

I am proud to say that the "healthy" women aren't staying home anymore. When I say that, I mean the really fucking fat chicks are going out and having a good time with their equally fat friends.

I mean fat in a good way. I've been known to be a little healthy myself. Like..... now, for instance.

But, seriously, I've never felt such immense girl power as the millenium. It's like, year 2G hit, and women were like, "Shit....I'm gonna party like it's 1999." God love 'em.

And then, I thought.... crap....America is getting fatter. So it's not like MORE people are coming out. Same amount of people with a larger weight limit.

And then I thought of something funny. (Funny to me anyway.) There aren't a lot of fat guys coming out, and you can't try to tell me that there are a whole lot less fat men out there. So this means one thing.....

There is true equality among the sexes. Fat men are staying home because they feel that they are too fat to come out. We women already went through that bullshit.

Of course, really ugly male singers seem to be running rampant. When I see a really ugly female singer, then I shall be truly pleased of the equality among us.

Until something more coherent......

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