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Continuing The Magic Mountain Adventure:

We get into the park, and right there are many, many park personnel with cameras to freeze our cheesy mugs in time.

Then we decide on where to go. I decide that I would like to go to the roller coaster that was right by our parking place. It's name is Scream. We love Scream.

But first, we went on the Collosus. Big name, sucky ride. It's the "tallest wooden roller coaster in the West." I hate wooden roller coasters. Ya know why they can be wooden?? Because they don't go upside down. There are G forces at work on a wooden roller coaster. But the line was pretty short.

Ok. So next we go on the big pink, blue and yellow Scream. Yay Scream. This is when I pondered why they would paint roller coasters such hideous colors. And then I imagined an amusement park where none of the roller coasters are painted. Yeah. It just doesn't seem nearly as fun. I would have gone on to think then why couldn't they paint each coaster just one color, but then I lost interest and just wanted to get my adrenaline on.

This ride was eligible for Fast Pass goodness, but we didn't even need to use them yet. Even though there were a billion people in the park, they hadn't seemed to have found Scream yet. Which worked well for us.

Ok, so, for Scream, you get 4 people per.....thingy per ride. They don't put you into cars, but it doesn't dangle either. On the platform, they have a floor for you to walk to your seat, you get in, you pull down on the pull down thingy (sorry, brain doesn't have capacity for exact nouns today) and then the floor drops away. And then, they let you go, you do a quick turn, a little drop, and then clickclickclickclickclickclickclick. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! And it goes upside down and twist and twist and twist... and you do this corkscrew twice and then you twist around to go through that. Bad...ASS.

When we got off of it, he was starting towards the walk to another ride, while I just kinda started walking back to the entrance. We rode it twice then, and then we ended the day riding it twice more. We used our Fast Passes the last two times. I would say that saved us two hours.

We then went on the Goliath. That would probably be the biggest, baddest, orangest coaster there. That one doesn't go upside down, but the beginning has a pretty steep drop. There's also this one part where you're sideways and making around in a circle. The blood is forced out of your head and you about pass out. Well, we about passed out. Our vision got all cloudy. I think loss of consciousness has got to be a sign of another good coaster.

Someday......SOMEDAY, there will be a 20 minute coaster that will be so full of twists, turns, loops, corkscrews that the returning cars will be full of pasty white folk, unconscious, and covered in their own vomit....... and there I will line with my Fast Pass.

By this point, we had drunk 2 waters and a lemonade icey. It was hot. It was damn hot. It was REALLY frickin' hot.

We got in line for the Viper, and this, my friends, is the part where I decided to go insane. MwaHAHAHAHAHA!!! Because I am. And, of course, I need to sport it when it is most inconvenient. No, not one day......not ONE DAY.... can I let pass without becoming completely unreasonable at some point. Not even at an "amuuuuuuusement" park. There is a ride there. It is called X. It has a 4 hour wait. And for some reason, the Fiance, didn't want to wait. And that upset me. Because I obviously would like to wait 3-4 hours for a 45 second ride. Because I am stupid. (But AWWWH!! This ride... It's kinda like the Scream, without so many turns on the track, BUT, the SEATS kinda spin around all willy nilly too. Apparently, it's a mechanical nightmare, so there's usually only one car working, and then they only have that working every couple of days because they have to change the wheels and stuff. Hence, the godawful wait.) Ok, so we walk away from it, get in line for the Viper and I am obviously quiet and not happy. And then he tries to talk to me, but since I am upset I talk about 7 steps quieter than I usually do, so halfway through my sentence, he says, "What?" and I say(yell, whatever) "LET ME FINISH MY SENTENCE!!!" He says, "Don't yell at me." We don't talk for about three minutes..... and then I decide we should get out of line.... We walk. We stop to sit down, I start crying.... Blah blah blah..... I fucking hate when I'm like that. There's no reason. Nothing gets accomplished. I'm just crazy and hate it. He always manages to make me feel better. But STILL. I think I would like one day to end and me reflect and go, "Yeah, that was a good day." But no. There doesn't seem to be an end in sight.

Meh. So. He makes me feel better. We walk around. My spirits are heightened again. I decide I am hungry. We decide not to eat at any of the outside eating type of deals because there is a good air conditioned restaurant there.

Mooseburger Lodge, I think it was called. 20 minute wait, but, hell, that after the first few rides, that was the shortest time we waited. The place was tasty to eat at, but otherwise I wanted to set it on fire. There was a big life sized plush moose that......sigh.... sang. He had cymbals attached to his "knees" so sometimes while he sang, they would bang together. Then, there were other moose (mooses? meese?) on the walls. Just the heads. On plaques. Yes, they were plush too. And they sang along. There was a little girl there that started to cry when they sang. That part was pretty funny. But, again, the food was good. We shared a burger because they were MOOSE SIZED burgers. They use jalapeno buns. And that's my favorite.

After lunch, we were pretty run down. We went on Riddler's Revenge. The Fast Pass worked there too, so we only waited about 20 minutes. We asked someone who waited through the whole line, and they had waited for an hour before that 20 minute stretch. I vaguely remember it being fun. Not only was I tired, but the "station" to get in the ride was SO hot. It was enclosed except for where the ride went through. I think in the before time they used to try to make it cool and make it look like a disco and they played bad techno. But, a small disco, with about 300 people who have been in the hot sun with no air circulation......BAD! I almost passed out. But that was BEFORE the ride, so that doesn't necessarily count as the ride being good.

That's when we decided to call it a day. We had used our last 2 Fast Passes for the Scream, and we started to head out. We took a look at our pictures. They sucked. I tried damn hard to get a Churro, but at that time of the day, every Churro vendor seemed to be out, and about to put more on. So, no, no Churro.

No Churro, no fruit shaped juice bottles, a stupid breakdown, and no real souvenirs. I still managed to have a pretty good time though. :)

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