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I may get SARS by the end of this week. (cough) I am working in the middle of a Baccarat tournament. If that means nothing to you, don't worry. All you need to know is that Me, Rally Edition, will be in the middle of hundreds of possibly infected Chinese people.

It's not a thing about Chinese, some of my best friends are Chinese. Ok, one. And, admittedly, she's lived here her whole life. But not the point. The point is is that she is not infected, and they possibly are. (She's also very tall, so maybe she would stand above the infection cloud.) I, however, am perfect size to be level with these people.

And their smoking. MY GOD. They smoke more than I used to. I don't think they inhale either. They just let full clouds of unfiltered smoke roam free, and, since I've quit, that means that they come STRAIGHT for me.

But wait, there's more...

Since we are having this Baccarat Tournament piece of crap, and these people don't understand the thought processes behind "sleeping".....and don't give me crap that since they're from a different time zone, they're used to a different sleeping schedule... I have to start work 2 hours later than usual. That means getting out 2 hours later. THAT means leaving while the sun is coming up.

This blows.

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