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As I might have mentioned on here, as my friends have heard nothing else about for the past three months, I went on a Western Caribbean cruise. One week of no cell phones, no computers, and no....other technological stuff. Lots of food. Lots of sex. Lots of pictures.

Sometimes I walk around and try to figure how I am going to write my experiences on here. Sometimes that means that I have nothing better to do than write to some people that I don't know. This time was different. This time I'm writing it for a lot of people that I do know. I had such a good time and thought of my friends often. Some of these friends are only going to have a chance to see my pictures online anyway, so this is the perfect medium.

For a second, I thought I might write this as though YOU are me and I am showing you pictures of your vacation.....but then I thought... that's really fucking lame.

I was hoping to get these pictures down to a manageable size to put them straight on the page. Yeah, it would still piss people off, but then you could see the pictures straight away. But when I got the pictures from the camera on my computer, we used such a high resolution that they came out really big. I didn't have BRE put the imaging editor on my computer, so I couldn't make them smaller, but it did give me the pictures in chronological order. (This means something later.)

Also, as we put the software for the camera on my computer, the computer started to hiccup. You know. The hiccup where the computer says, "Oh, lookie, I'm over a year old.... you should buy a new one or else I'll certainly crash." This is another reason why I didn't find it necessary to put the image editor on my computer. I would only use it this one time, most likely.

Soooooooooooo...BRE just resent me the pictures through this computer that automatically makes them smaller. Ya know..... I'm sure I could have found a way if I kept asking around. But...pfff.... who has the time? And, hell, what we came up with worked.

The only problem was that the way the cameral numbered them on his computer took them out of chronological order. So, 010 would be before 011 but after 100.....or something LIKE that. Regardless, I'm neurotic enough for this to annoy me. Unfortunately, I didn't really understand why it took them out of chronological order until I tried to renumber them myself..... starting with "1". So, yeah, when I went to refresh the page, they were all willy nilly all over the place. Fortunately, I had refreshed it early enough at number 30. That's when I started over starting at 0001.

I'm just telling you this in case someday you get the bright idea to number a large group of pictures starting at 1. I know some of you are much smarter than I am, but then I know some of you are not.

Next, I realized that the pictures were STILL really honkin' big, so I decided to do that thing where you put the link up and they click it and it opens in another window. It just makes it more convenient for everyone. Except for me because now I had to figure out how to do that. I asked one of those friends that is much smarter than I am.

I had tried this "open in different window" thing before and failed miserably. You may have noticed that I have mastered the art of link, but not in its entirety. I have now realized because in the past I missed the second space. So, now you have the freedom of clicking away at my links, and the experience is just that much more enjoyable. I sure do know that I am always pleased to find links that open in new windows. Huzzah.

In conclusion, I had an absolutely wonderful time on my vacation. I would say that it was about the most wonderful vacation of my life. There are some pictures that I don't have yet for reasons that our scanner doesn't work and that we met another couple and they are going to send us some of their pictures. Also, more pictures were taken towards the beginning of the vacation than at the end of the vacation. Which also means that a lot of the pictures at the beginning are "why in THE HELL did she take those pictures?" type of pictures. (I personally love those.)

In the past, for reasons of general anonymity, I never posted any telling pictures. This is no longer possible, and I think I am ok with that. My page nand I just aren't popular enough for it to be a problem.

In second conclusion, had a great time on vacation, had a bitch of a time getting the pictures in order, learned stuff everyone else already knew, so keep eye out on slightly greyer, slightly bolder text to click on, showing my face all over the net, will start actual photo tour any second now.................

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