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So, one of my good friends, c-otter has been talking about NPR (that's national public radio)because she's like that. She's all ejumcated and stuff.

Now, she talks about it like it's good, which made me wonder what our NPR station is out here. As I was driving to work the other day, I see a billboard that says "89.5 KNPR Smart Radio for Smart People".

Ah yes. Then I remembered, there was a day way back when when I saw that billboard and thought "HEY! I'm a smart people." I had turned it to 89.5 and decided that smart people listen to CRAP!

But, I respect my friend and decided to give it another chance. In her town, later at night, it switches over to a jazz affiliate, which I thought might be cool, cause I dig a few types of jazz.......(sigh) but no. It's classical out here. And, no, I don't mean classic rock. I mean orchestras and stuff. Hey, don't get me wrong, from time to time, I like to go back to the basics, but I can't really bump those jams while I'm driving.

As you may remember, last week, I had to go get my sherrif's card updated, so I was awake during the day. Supercool, I could try NPR again during normal hours and listen to smart conversation.

Oh... Nooooooooooooo...

"Call and give us money. Because you like us. And we're smart. And you like us because we're smart. And if you send money right now, these guys over here we'll match it. And that will pay for another day of our crap. And we're smart. And people will think that you're smart even though you obviously aren't because you give us money."

Maybe someday I'll listen and they will be all that I imagine. Just not today.

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