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So, I'm reading a book called "Angels, Einstein, and You." I think everyone should read it. Of course, I think everyone should read everything I read. It would really just make my world a better and easier place. People would understand my inside jokes with myself a whole helluva lot better, that's for damn sure.

However, it's interesting. In fact, it's the idea I've been trying to convey for the past two years after my near death experience on drugs. It also connects to when people ask me what I believe in, and I say "Everything." I guess it's just nice to see that there's someone out there just as crazy as I am and literate enough to have a book published about it.

The really scary part is that there are diagrams in the book that match very closely to some scribbles that I made while high. Funky, huh?

Usual self help books rely on a formula based on specific needs. For instance, western culture is more involved with physical evidence. Eastern cultures involve energies and chakras. This book helps realize that it isn't one, it is all. It teaches how to think pass where each plane of existence contradicts each other......

I think by the end of the book, I'll be able to bend spoons with my mind. :D

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