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You sit and you sit and you sit, and you don't know what to write about.

Ok..... not you, me. I sit and sit with nothing to write about. I get caught in that vicious cycle of "happiness", waiting for it to end so that I can continue my life as a tormented poet, or just plain lover of words. Be done with the endless streams of what could only be compared to After-School Special lessons of life towards a happier new me so that I can sit here and type of how life will never can never be good for me.

But it just won't end, my happiness. Everytime I try to push away all the good that is happening to me, he just comes back to his firm hold and says, "I'm not leaving. I won't leave you, I love you."

So what breaks my silence? What could have happened that I finally update my corner of cyberspace?

A gift, my friends. Well, a gift from my friend. I always look forward to gifts from her ( because she sends me silly stuff that no one else would ever send me. LOTS of silly stuff that no one else would think I would enjoy. (But I do.)

This gift, though lacking in quantity of her usual packages, makes up in bounds in quality.

First off, pudding marshmallows. Probably no worse for you than deep fried twinkies. A little funky. But FUN! At least I can say that I have had pudding marshmallows. I can only imagine where she got these delightful, puffy receptacles of pudding goodness. If they weren't pre-packaged, I would guess that she made them herself because I hear that college kids infuse different products in thier pantries with other products in the refrigerator to mimic sustenance.

Secondly, I opened the smaller package first. I'm not sure why. In my head, I kept saying that big things come in small packages, but it just didn't seem right for this instance. A package of the best tasting gum in the whole world.

I couldn't imagine what the bigger package would be. So I open it.

"Night Watch" by Terry Pratchett. The boyfriend watched me open it, and said "Ah, Terry Pratchett." (It was just last night in a conversation with The Boyfriend that I declared Terry Pratchett my hero.....because he is.) and then he said, "And you just read that one."


And how could I possibly tell my c-otter friend? She went out of her way to buy and send me this book, and that was good enough for me. I really wasn't going to tell her.

And then.....

I notice a sticky. A sticky that yelled out LOOK!!! attached to some pages at the beginning.


So I LOOK!!!ed.

And there it was... in all of it's glory......

Another sticky with arrows drawn on it stating "It's got his cooties on it and everything!"

EEK!! COOTIES!! WAIT!! Terry Pratchett's cooties!! I now own a book written and signed by, my hero, THE Terry Pratchett.

(falling over)

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