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Well, another year of me being a proud American and voting, and another year of the results saying, "Fuck you, you should have stayed home and saved yourself the time."

Another year of "what's the point?"

Even the shit that I didn't really care about, even THOSE went the opposite of what I voted.

I'm still crying now. (I just saw the results a few minutes ago.) I feel completely hopeless.

On the bright side, Las Vegas has been unseasonably warm and I get to keep my moonroof open for a little bit longer.

Did I mention that Nevada is still a red state?

And, again, on the bright side, Britney Spears and Kevin Federline are getting a divorce, which I'm certain you heard it here first...

The best part of all this...

McRib is back.

1 Funnies Left So Far

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