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Angelina vs. Jen

Angelina, hands down... from the beginning. I mean, girl next door is all fine and good and all, but while Jen has been all whiney and complainey on TV and in the horrible, horrible magazines that my last minute impulsive fingers can't help but grabbing, Angelina has quietly let her life be her life. A few interviews to keep herself in the papers, sure, but never really a need to tell EVERYONE EVERYTHING about every second of her everyday.

And also, while Miss Chatty spent her time in the press becoming the "most influential person in Hollywood", the "Homewrecker" has spent her time becoming an ambassador for the UN Refugee Agency and help raise awareness to fight HIV and AIDS in third world countries.

And really, I wouldn't bring the whole thing up, but I'm super duper tired of reading my horrible, horrible magazines and wondering why people give a crap if Jen's been wronged. I just don't care. But, since polls don't lie, this is obviously a subject that many of us care about, so I'm weighing in.

Dear Ms. Aniston, (Or as I like to call you, "Former Mrs. Angelina's Boyfriend)
You lost him. MOVE ON!!! Go do something humanitarian for a change. You got the cash. Geezus...
Sincerely, "FizGig."


I have issues that have been weighing heavily on my mind. Even more heavily than which one of Brad's lovers will gain more public approval.

Unfortunately, I had started this entry yesterday, ran out of time, and have continued to not have time to finish, but I will relatively soon.

Hakuna Matata.

5 Funnies Left So Far

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