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Everything is fine and good.

My emotional breakdown about my dad went accordingly. I cried, I wrote, I'm fine.

That's a funny thing about death. There isn't a damn things you can do to change it. You know it's where you're going. And you know you can't convince the people that have already gone there to come back. Oddly enough, there's comfort in that.

I've managed to not become uber-idiot for at least 36 hours. I have a complete sense of calm and understanding. Hmm... my period must be starting soon.

And, most importantly, I just had Vietnamese soup with my best friend. (You might know him as such as names as "my roommate [we're not 'together']," RRE (that's roommate rally edition), and, most recently, Bluetoast (dot diaryland dot com).

I don't know if I've said this before, so I shall now, but I love him a lot. He's my sense of stability. It sucks right now because he isn't feeling very stable in his own life. But, goddammit, he's still my pillar. (Yep, good thing I'm not a selfish person.) Seriously, though, I don't think it's a matter of him being strong, it's just a matter of him being there.

And, hell, there's always something special about that person that you can hang around naked with and have no desire to f dash dash dash.

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