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I went out with '02 Boyfriend Rally Edition last night.

(I remember back in the day when I was dead set against writing about "this was my day...and then I did this..and then I did this..." but I've found that friends get irate when I don't update because I feel I don't have anything profound to say. Thank you, Friends.)

So, we started out the evening at Joe's Crab Shack. (Speaking of which, the crab specials involved Dungeness Crab and other stuff. [Like, dungeness crab and shrimp scampi, dungeness crab and coconut shrimp, etc] for $12.99.) I thought, "How NOVEL! Getting something else BESIDES and (more importantly) WITH the dungeness crab." I wouldn't have thought to do it on my own.

I generally like Joe's Crab Shack. No, no, that is an understatement. To answer the hypothetical question of if I was trapped on a deserted island, what would I want with me... it would be a Joe's Crab Shack.

HOWEVER, I've become less and less enthusiastic about the part where they turn the music up really loud and do their little jig to whatever song they've decided to do a little jig to. The jig's are repetitive, no one who works there wants to be doing it, and, lately, said jig songs have been more and more annoying and obscure. (I couldn't even tell you what the song was yesterday.)

The most amusing part of the Joe's Crab Shack experience was that BFRE had no clue how to make a dungeness crab his bitch.

Then we went to see "Insomnia" starring Al Pacino and Robin Williams. Ironically, I fell asleep for a small bit of it. I really want to say that it was a good movie. I really, really do. It had Al Pacino and Robin Williams for chris-sakes. I should be fair. The acting was superb.

...I just can't remember the last time I went to a movie for the acting.

I can't really pinpoint what was so bad about the movie either except particularly there was a scene with the superb acting. I fell asleep. I woke up. It was still the same scene with the superb acting.

We went to play pool after that. Our first game was actually pretty good. (Because I won.)

BUT NOT JUST THAT. I won honestly. Well, honestly besides the fact that he was taking it easy on me. I didn't win because of an early sink of the 8 ball or because of a scratched cue ball on the 8 ball.

(I started writing out the brilliant win, but it turned out to be boring reading.)

I'll just say that I won by having to shoot the 8 ball in that "I'm [uber]cool and can do a behind the back shot" kind of way.


To end the night, we went to BFRE's best friend's bar to eat and throw back a few. My (we're not "together") roommate called and I asked him if he wanted to stop by or if he was settled in for the night (fully expecting him to be settled in for the night.) And he said, "Yeah, I'll show up."

(Happy dance)

Roommate Rally Edition got to meet Boyfriend Rally Edition, so now I have proof to my new Rally Edition friends that he DOES, in fact, exist.

RRE gave BFRE the "nod" though they didn't talk much. BFRE and his other friend that was there started talking sports at which point RRE and my eyes glazed over and zoned on the various pretty shiny things around the bar.

(sigh) Good times.

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