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We don't have particularly fantastic cable channels. Some premium channels, but as for movie channels, we just get Encore. If you're not familiar, the Encore channels are the very last commercial free line before a movie gets edited and goes network.

2 of the Encore channels were showing "Honey" the other night. And when I say "night" I mean MY night which is after I get home after 4 am.

I can't tell you how much of a piece of shit it is. Like..... I like a lot of shit....but even this was entirely too stinky for me. We're talking even being doped up on marijuana it was a piece of shit. I liked the Spice Girls and I couldn't stand this pile of vomitous mass.

AND... I didn't even watch it from the beginning. I only caught the last half hour or so and I almost clawed my eyes out.

I can't even begin to get into the story or I might actually commit suicide... but the part where I had to laugh or else I would cry.... this white guy who is a big L.A. producer type who tries to act black tries to get all up in Honey's business, she smacks him, and he says.....

are you ready?

cause he says it.

Probaby what you think he would say is exactly what he says....

"BITCH!!! How you gonna play me like dat?"

Now remember... he is white. And that is what he says.

It's embarrassing. It's embarrassing to us white folk who are trying to get accepted as Black. Really, really embarrassing.

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