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Awesome.. I got two answers to my request of being interviewed. ROCK!

1.)interview you? will there be butterscotch candies, slim jims, pixi stix, and ding dongs involved? (Question by C-Otter.)


Ding Dongs??? Aww, you're bustin' my balls. I mean... butterscotch candies, sure, but you add meat product, processed sugar, and creamy filled goodness, and... well, that costs money. And though I ACT like it, we don't really have that much. I mean, we're comfortable, sure, but it doesn't mean I can go around droppin' bills on Little Debbie.

2) Where's your favorite place to nap, and why? (Question furnished by Gold Widow.) (Would link the two questioners, but I'm a little "under the influence" right now.)


My couch. I am spoiled and get to take a nap everyday. My most adorable little puppy dog...

likes to wake up around 11. He does this little whispery whine thing. Sometimes I hiss out, "SHHH!" and he'll stay quiet for at least another hour. He's like a fuzzy snooze alarm. Anyway, sometimes I'll get up and feed him and let him out, but 11am is far too early for me to be up, so I might do stuff on the computer then go down to the couch to take a nap. I usually put a pillow over my head and lay on my side and Chewie will cuddle up to me... I'll let my boys demonstrate...

It's kinda like this, but, like I said, I have a pillow on my head too...

Or, if I have my legs spread a little, (HEY! They are NOT always spread!) Chewie Louie seems to love to snuggle there. (Eff you and your wise "I thought dogs have a heightened sense of smell" jokes...I've heard 'em.)
Like this...

Also, I have actually spoken with an "animal communicator", a pet psychic basically, and one thing she said that made me believe her absolutely was her saying, "Aww, does he sleep with you?" and I was all, "Oh, no. We don't let him on the bed." (cause at the time, we didn't.) and she said, "No... not a bed.. do you take naps somewhere that's not your bed?" and I was all, "OH yeah!! Chewie and I take naps on the couch." She said, "Yeah, he says that he really loves the way you smell. Maybe you have a perfume or soap or something." And I said, "No, nothing too scented." and she said, "Wow, he just really, really loves the way you smell, he keeps saying that to me." And I believe Chewie would say something like that because his super duper favorite is being under a blanket with me. He likes being under blankets anyway, but if I'm there, he has to be there right away. It's cute. And, therefore, it is my favorite place to take a nap, and why.

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