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I went up onstage tonight, and I really sucked. No, really, I know I've said it before, but I just had nothing.

It's really put a damper on my spirits, and I've been crying for the past two hours. I know I said I was really good, but what happens when you're faced with the fact you might not be?

Yeah, save your armchair psychology. I don't want to hear it. I know everything you're going to say, and none of it will help right now. Thank you, though. Seriously, I do appreciate it.

I'm going to take a break from the comedy thing for a few weeks. I think every week is just a bad idea. I think that I think I'm really good, and that just isn't the case. I think I need time to recharge my creativity.

That is also why I'm going to take a break from d*land for awhile. I think it's stealing my comedic essence. It's one thing to have a creative outlet, but I think it's another to have too many creative outlets.

I'll still leave comments in your comments section, and I'll answer if you send me e-mail or leave a comment. But, for now, I'm just going to hang out with my drink by the Exit sign.

Thank you for your support.

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