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I know it's WAY past Halloween, but I looked through my archives and realized I didn't say a peep about it.

Halloween is SO cool in Las Vegas. If you ever get a change, I HIGHLY suggest it.

Everyone gets dressed up and goes to dance clubs...

The dance clubs are mostly in casinos.

I'm assuming that during that they're getting TOTALLY smashed...

Then they decide it's a good idea to gamble...

Then, as a dealer, you look out and say, "HOLY SHIT!! WEREWOLF just punched the shit out of an Oompa Loompa!

And, seriously, where are you gonna get that kind of entertainment?

And, might I add, that Oompa Loompa outfit was the BOMB! Besides being too tall, the guy had the costume DOWN!! It was almost as good as the 6 pack of Corona 2 years ago. (Naw, it was great, 6 guys in costumes connected by the plastic ring thing...

The one that took the cake this year, though, was definitely the Academy Award.

THAT was amazing. There was a guy that had mass amounts of Gold sparkly all over him. I saw him because, oddly enough, he caught my eye, so I was watching him, and I thought, "Yeah.. alright... he's gold... faaaaaaaaantastic... wtf?"

Then he put this little pedestal he was holding down, he stood on top of it, and he assumed the pose!!! I was all kinds of blown away.

If he didn't win Studio 54's prize for best costume, then the contest was clearly rigged...

I leave for vacation in 11 days. I am very excited. I'm sure there will be copious amounts of pictures, so stay tuned.

I was on Weight Watchers for a good two weeks.

No, really, I was.

I don't think Weight Watchers has a reasonable chance of working unless you cook at home. They have a ton of wonderful recipes and so forth, but I'm just not the cooking type. The way I eat, I could pretty much only eat 1 meal before reaching my recommend daily total of "points". me if you need to know the points total of something... I'd be glad to help you.

My hair is really long for the cut it's supposed to be right now.

And I'm out of goopy stuff.

I'm obsessed with a chick right now. Wanna see who she is?

She's right here!

I dunno why, but I can't stay away from her website... I can't even get into her live cam thingy on I don't even know how that works... but.. whatever...

Is that wrong?

I finally got a money order to send to the health district of hawaii so that I can get my name legally changed.

That's funky... the legal name change thing... I mean, you spend all your life with one name, then just because you decide to be with someone for the rest of your life, you have to get it all changed again.

Yeah.. I know I don't HAVE to... but if I don't, my husband will have words with me.

OH!! That guy with epilepsy awhle back... He ended up moving in with the guy that stuck the spoon in his mouth.

I'm not sure how the epilepsy dude is affording it, but knowing asian culture, he probably doesn't have to spend too much to live there...

The guy who he moved in with (one of the waiters at my fav-o-rite Vietnamese restaurant), said that he was epileptic fits EVERYDAY!!!!


So, he's obviously not in a place to get medication for it or anything, but HOLY cow... I'm not sure I would invite someone to move in with me who wasn't willing to seek medical treatment.

Also, The Husband and I saw the guy at the restaurant the other day, he didn't even recognize us. We didn't expect him to, but we did expect someone to clue him in on who we are and tell him to thank us. But, he did not... Ah well.

I saw the new show at my work last night. I'll tell you what the show is later.... but, just to let you know... Any show that may have started on the strip on November 26, 2004, totally sucks. The show we saw was a dress rehearsal, but that doesn't mean the show didn't suck.

The company... oh... rhymes with "Irk de Zoleil" and the show... we'll call it "Ka Ca". just didn't live up to the name. (Well, lives up to my nickname for it, but otherwise, no.)

I mean, even besides the unforseen technical difficulty... the story was SOOOOOOO slow. And you really couldn't grasp it if you didn't know what it was about. I did because I work there and they told us, but if they hadn't told us, I'd have no clue. I know this because The Husband missed that part of this year's earlier meetings, so he had no clue and was, therefore, lost.

There was a delightful shadow puppet part of the show, though. The Husband said, "Yeah, but if the show even would have been all puppet show for $150 (which we believe two tickets run for the actual show), I would complain." To which I promptly replied, "Compared to this show?? If they COULD find an hour and a half worth of Shadow Puppets, I would HAPPILY pay for it."

Cause, goddammit, shadow puppets are COOL!

We ended up having dinner with a couple we work with. Again, don't get me wrong, we had no CLUE this couple was together, but we had dinner with them. The dude had been working on the girl for a few years now. The thing is, dude was MARRIED!!!

But yet, they were holding hands last night. He has since gotten a divorce. Me and The Husband accidentally met wife at dinner awhile back. We just happened to be the same place they were. The two ladies are COMPLETELY different. We can clearly see why he wanted a divorce. I just think it's tacky to work on a new girl BEFORE you're divorced.

And he's an odd bird, himself...

...which is really funny coming from me.

But I can say that because he showed how much of an IDIOT he is. I mean, not total idiot, he tries to be smart... which makes the experience that much more funny.


K... srunk....(sic)...gonna go now...

ALSO!! If any of you happen to die of the bird flu... just know that I love you... (head bow)... by the way.. I love the way it was presented on CNN... "Millions may die from inevitable Bird Flue Epidemic....... and next on CNN...

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