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You guys are jerks. (kicking you.)

Not one, NOT ONE of you have left a message about helping with Operation Smile. Or even a message for NOT helping Operation Smile. You're all ingrates. I hope your palate splits open while eating incredibly hot soup, and I hope it melts your brain.

Having said that...... I'm going on an interregnum. I'm taking a few days off of work to go to a self awareness weekend. I feel that I've been crazy long enough and I don't want to do it anymore. I go in 10 days. So, in the meantime, I shall continue to be crazy, unreasonable, and a right pain in the arse.

Though, ya know, a pain in the ass probably isn't as bad as a pain in the mouth. OH HEY!! Speaking of pain in the mouth... I think you should think about children who can hardly eat because they have big ass HOLES in their mouth. You might check it out by going here: Operation Smile.

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