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Time just passes so quickly. I check my d*land buddy list everyday to keep up with the masses, and it seems like NO time passes between the number next to my name going from "updated 1 day ago" to "updated 11 days ago." I've started to feel bad when so much time has passed, but, bloody hell, nothing that exciting happens in my life.

(Is it me, or was that last paragraph completely unnecessary?)

Sooooo.... right....

I was checking my buddy list the other day and a couple of people had updated. And I won't say names or anything, but there are a couple of people who I used to read because I thought they were incredibly clever with their word style. I enjoyed their catchy turn of phrase. I thought they were on DiaryQuotes or 12% beer for a reason. (I would link to those sites, but I figure, those fuckers don't link me, so why the hell would I link them? (HAH!! Take THAT DQ and 12%, see if your fame can comeback from THAT diss.) Um.. what was I saying? OH RIGHT! So these couple of folk ARE on DQ and 12% and I was reading their updates and they're really fucking boring. I mean, nothing ever fucking happens to them and when something does happen they write it in a way where they THINK they are clever and funny, but they're just regurgitating the same jokes that made people think they were clever enough to be quoted on DQ and 12% in the first place.


I'm a wimp, I know. But I've already had this conversation with someone and it's the funniest thing I could come up with today.

You know who's well deservedly on DQ, though? IDIOT MILK. Yeah, she rocks. She has cajones. I secretly think that's why her ass is as big as she says it is. Because she has big ass cajones hiding in there.

I'm trying hypnosis for weight loss again. It really didn't work well the last time, and it isn't looking any better now. But the lady I'm going to this time is a really sweet old lady. I'll go to her one or two more times before giving up again.

Everyone's birthday was celebrated this weekend. I gave two crappy gifts and one really cool gift. The cool gift was a pinata full of pixie sticks and slim jims, and various other things that we found around the house that could fit in the pinata. :D But little girls like lots of little gifts. Even if the little girl is turning 27.

The other two turned 29 and 30. And there was much bitching. I took one to dinner (where we ate ENTIRELY too much) and then took him to Borders, and the other one hung out at my house after she got off of work and we had drinks, watched TV, played Scrabble, and she accompanied me to a person I work with's retirement party. (I wouldn't have gone if I hadn't gotten the lady a gift.)... anyway, so, from 7pm to 6am all I heard was about how old we're getting. "I'm gonna call in to work 30" and "If I didn't have to go to a stupid cocktail party that's for me that I don't even want to go to, I would probably just stay in my room and not leave."......... I love my friends... DEARLY... and one of them will definitely read this, so I should watch what I say, but, ah hell, it is my diary, so, here goes, JESUS CHRIST!!!!! WE'RE NOT THAT FUCKING OLD!!!! (hehe, actually, I said that right to their faces too.)

Well, we're not. I am so happy to be getting older. I absolutely adore passing these little squealy 21 year old girls in their little nothing outfits and shaking my head. I REALLY love that. *I* was a squealy little 21 year old, so I have every right to shake my head at them.

The 29 and I were even saying how extraordinarily happy we are that Girls Gone Wild wasn't around when we were 21 years old because we'd probably have to face commercial after commercial of her and I making out, lifting our shirts, all that. She and I have never, ever, ever, ever kissed. I was naked around her, sure, but, hell, I was naked around everybody.... which, again, is why I am happy that Girls Gone Wild was not around. But if it was around, we probably would have gotten her to do it too.

........hmm.... reminds me..... there's a video tape of me somewhere in England. I'm not proud of it, but I do wonder if there are back royalties owed to me. *I* was never in England, but two rather handsome blokes from England were on holiday here..... and they had a camera..... (sigh) (Shaking head) stupid ass 21 year olds...., when are we finally ok with getting older? Ya know, it seemed to me that I stopped bitching about getting older when my husband and I started dating and I was pretty sure he was the one. So is that it then? Do we become settled with aging when we've found the one we want to grow old with?

Interesting..... but I don't think so necessarily....

The 27 year old has never bitched about getting older. Suuure, we can say, but she's only 27...but yet, that was about the age that I stopped bitching about it...

However, she's is mildly secure in her destiny. I mean, she's scared to death about the future, but she's in law school now, so we're fairly certain that she's going to be able to take care of herself for life.

So is that it? Are my gerascophobic friends (yeah, I had to look that up) only afraid because the future is unclear? Will they settle down once they know what the future holds? And since we can generally gauge what's going on around us, are they just unhappy with what the future SEEMS to hold? Wow, that sounds incredibly good, no?

It's great that I can have fantastic psychological breakthroughs on other people's lives. (nod) But could I use this informations for good, you ask? and the answer is, no. Because it's not like their not trying to give themselves a better life in the first place, yes?

Besides, if you notice, I'm passive aggressively trying to help them now, see that? (not that passive aggressiveness is a good thing, I'm just training to be a mom because that's in my unclear future...) (Oh, not right NOW, but someday, you see.)

Wow. I really hope any of you have stopped reading by now because I'm as boring as the people I started bitching about.

Right... BYE!!

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