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I think at this point of my life, I'm past the point of caring whether anyone watches the Academy Awards. I don't really care if someone else cares whether THEY watch the Academy Awards. And I no longer punish myself for checking out bits of it myself.

I caught some of it while I was getting ready for work, and I got to see the achievement award that was given to Blake Edwards. You may remember the name from the likes of Pink Panther, Victor/Victoria, and, of course, Breakfast at Tiffany's.

His speech time started off with him charging his power wheelchair into a breakaway wall, and doing his speech in a then dust-covered jacket. He said that his speech was allowed to be a minute and a half or 90 seconds (his choice.) And he truly thanked everyone, EVERYONE that made it possible, even the guy with the shovel that cleaned elephant poo.

And, it's moments like that that make me not hate myself for watching the Academy Awards.

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