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Buenos Dias.

I went to a concert the other night. I went with BRE, Ex-Roommate, Rally Edition, and the Other Woman and her sister. We saw Maroon V. They were groovy. I learned the value of closing one's eyes at a concert. It kind of makes you feel like you're the only one there- (I only recommend doing this during a mellow song)- And when you open your eyes back up and see all the people and the's just really amazing.

I had my Thanksgiving a week before everyone else at the future in-law's. The rolls were WONDERFUL. The turkey was pretty good too. We had also painted ornaments. Ya know, she cooked up some dough ornament thingies, and we painted them. I'm not all that creative. I painted an elephant... naturally I painted it pink. Then I painted a bell, and I had painted it, yes, silver. I painted a few other things, but when I looked at the elephant and the bell, I decided that they were too plain, so I painted "For Hire" on the elephant and "Your Ad Here" on the bell. I mean, I figure, the Spirit of Christmas is commercialism anyway.

The actual day of Thanksgiving I worked. I managed to not say, "What the hell is WRONG with you people? Don't you know today is a holiday? Sure, you're supposed to be drunk anyway, but go be drunk with (hello) your FAMILY!!" Well, to the american folk anyway. I didn't think it at all to the Chinese family or Canadian couple. Did learn that Canada does have a Thanksgiving, but it's in October or something.

Though..... it did make me wonder about how much it is celebrated in, like, Hawaii and Alaska. I understand that they are Americans like the rest of us are, but they aren't nearly as muddled as we are. Hawaiians have a VERY different culture than we do, which is why they are a premiere vacations spot. And really frickin cold. So, if you're from Alaska or Hawaii, let me know. Actually.... I'm sure that it is celebrated, but I want to know what it was like for the tradition to come around in those states. Yeah... you know.....

ALSO..... I found out an interesting thing the night of the concert. My future husband is going to refer to our children as Mudbloods. I just found this damn funny. Apparently, since about the 13th century, their family has been exclusively German. They are entirely descended from Germans. Which is kinda interesting that the future sister-in-law's boyfriend is German. And here me and BRE are planning to muddy that aaaaaallll up. So, my future nieces and nephews can be all "We're German." And my kids will be all, "yeah that, and a bunch of other crap that my dirty mother had to bring into it." I just hope that Harry Potter will be making a comeback at the time so that my kid will REALLY be able to appreciate its parents calling it a Mudblood.


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