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I wouldn't consider yesterday as one of my best days on record. There were just a lot of things that really annoyed me. Mostly, I had to buy a swimsuit, and that is never good for one's ego.

I went to this place called "Swimsuits for Less." If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend spraying it down with gasoline and throwing a match in to engulf it in flames.

The door was locked, so I had to ring a buzzer that was surrounded by arrows and a sign that read "doing inventory, principle buyers ring bell." I had intentions to buy two swimsuits, so I considered myself a principle buyer.

A little old guy answered the door to let me in. When I walked in, I noticed another lady there shopping and wondered why the door wasn't just open at that point.

Then little old guy asked if I was looking for a one piece or a two piece. I said, "Two piece." Then he asked if I was a D cup.

And I just felt dirty. Couldn't he have just asked what I was? I mean, him asking implies that he looked at my breasts to get an estimate. Shrugging that off, I looked at some of the two pieces, found three I liked, and tried them on.

Swimsuits are particular. There are so many different varieties that though one set might not look good, a different style in the same size just might.

These three, did not suit me well. (I apologize for the pun.) So I tried three more on. To no avail. I had to swallow my pride and try a size larger.

To which the guy said, "You've already tried on 6 pieces. That's all you can today. I told you that when you started trying them on."

Ok.... yeah, he did mention as I was going into the dressing room that I could try on three at a time, six per day. I didn't listen because that makes NO FUCKING SENSE AT ALL WHATSOEVER! I *might* be able to understand if the place was packed and little old man was having a problem of keeping track of people.....wait.. no... I still wouldn't because that would be covered under the "three at a time" thing.

So, as I walked out, I called over the fitting room to the other lady, "You're almost out of try-ons." So little old man answer me, "That's right, only 6, I don't make the rules."

Oh what.....EVER...

I'm so sick of people and their nonsensical rules and shitty customer service.

Yesterday was full of stuff like that, but I think I'll stop now because I'm getting really pissed off thinking about it all.

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